Utica teachers and other MEA members leading the way toward healthy lifestyles

As we tackle the issue of childhood obesity on our radio show this month, I am reminded once again how much I learn from our members. Deb Lotan, a food service employee from Waterford (and local ESP president) is on our show this month, and her stories really hit home about the importance of making sure our students make good food choices. No one is bigger advocate for the students she serves–Deb knows each and every one of them, and she makes it her mission to encourage them to adopt healthy eating habits.

In Utica, there is a group of teachers who are teaching that same lesson through leading by example. They created a “Biggest Loser” healthy weight loss contest, and the pounds are flying off. Read more about how teamwork is helping them stay on track here: http://www.mea.org/members/040309_utica_teachers_live_well.html

Makes me want to change a few things about my own habits!