The new school year is coming–but are students ready to learn?

In just four short weeks, public schools across Michigan will open their doors to a new school year—with new opportunities and challenges for students and staff alike. Tune in this Tuesday for the next Voices of Michigan Education, when we’ll look at what we can all do to ensure that students are ready to hit the ground running—and start their new classes on the right note. We’ll reveal tips and tricks to prevent everything from sleep deprivation to separation anxiety and show you the best way to get older students on track all on their own! VOME airs Tuesday night at 7 p.m. on WJR NewsTalk 760 and on Saturday on Michigan Talk Radio stations across the state.

Tune in tonight when we discuss the”summer slide” and how to prevent it!

Students can lose up to a third of what they’ve learned over the summer—but there are ways to stop the summer slide and they can be a whole lot of fun. Join us tonight, June 8 from 7-8 p.m. on WJR when we hear great ideas from educators across the state, including Michigan’s newest Teacher of the Year. We’ll post some resources you can use with your own students–and we’d love to hear from you here–and on Facebook–about your own tricks of the trade. That’s tonight, on Voices of Michigan Education on WJR, NewsTalk 760.

From struggling readers to an old fashioned bookmobile–tomorrow night’s show has it all!

You won’t want to miss tomorrow night’s “Voices of Michigan Education!” Renowned childrens author Patricia Polacco gives a heartwrenching–and heartwarming–interview about her struggle to learn to overcome dyslexia and learn to read…and the teacher who made it all possible. There won’t be a dry eye in the house!

Plus, remember the Electric Company? It might not be exactly the show you recall–it’s all new and it’s geared toward attracting today’s students with a mixture of hip hop music, engaging lessons and current teen stars. If you’ve got a struggling reader or are looking for great parent or teacher resources to help, tune in and hear what they have to say on the show.

And, an old-fashioned bookmobile for modern times. Find out where this unique idea has students running from their homes to get the latest reads…and how YOU can do it where you live!

Tune in tomorrow night at 7pm on WJR, NewsTalk 760–Voices of Michigan Education, covering the issues YOU care about.

Sure, we can teach them to read, but how do we get them to LOVE it?

Are the students in your life bibliophibians or bibliophobians? Do they read because they have to or because they love to? February’s “Voices of Michigan Education” tackles all things reading related–from helpful new resources for struggling readers (remember The Electric Company? They’re all new, and they’re on our show) to what to do to keep older readers engaged and interested in trying new genres to an old-fashioned bookmobile that has today’s students pumped.

But I want to know from you–what do you do to help foster a real love of reading? How do we make kids lifelong readers? Share your tips and tricks–and listen to us talk about them on WJR NewsTalk 760 on February 9th at 7 p.m. We can all learn something along the way!

Program has students ‘geeked’ about their futures

Take a look at Clarkston High School’s Math, Science and Technology Academy to see what all the buzz is about.

Behind the scenes: Great conversation, great ideas!

Voices from first show

The "voices" from the MEA's first radio show at the WJR. From left to right: Math teacher Kyle Hughes from Clarkston's Math, Science and Technology Academy; Mark Beyer, Director of Communication from Next Energy; Iris Salters, MEA President; Mark Gilman, show host.

What does it take to prepare students for the jobs Michigan needs? Four people from diverse backgrounds sit down to discuss what’s being done now–and what needs to be done in the future. Hear from the high tech business community, a teacher with an innovative program, MEA President Iris Salters and radio host Mark Gilman. Tune in tonight at 9pm to find out what they think…and then join the conversation here to have your voice heard!

MEA sponsors Voices of Michigan Education

Michigan Education AssociationVoices of Michigan Education is a new radio program that offers listeners insight into issues and events that are at the forefront of the state’s current educational climate and future.

The debut show airs Jan. 13 on News Talk 760 WJR. On Jan. 17, it will be broadcast on affiliates of the Michigan Talk Network.

Whether it be teachers who have come up with inventive new ways to prepare our next generation for success, business leaders sharing what their expectations are of current and future graduates entering the workforce, or parents and educators making a difference in helping students achieve, Voices of Michigan Education discusses hard-hitting and thought-provoking issues affecting the Michigan educational landscape while allowing for diverse perspectives to be shared.

On the debut show, you’ll hear how Michigan teachers are preparing students for a changing job market and how to prepare for a new world of technology and alternative energy. Also, Next Energy’s Mark Beyer will discuss what companies will be looking for in new graduates.